Lady Finger:
- 2 btr putih telur
- 43 gr gula pasir
- 2 btr kuning telur
- 27 gr tepung terigu
Tiramisu Cream:
- 8 gr gelatine
- 110 gr air
- 70 gr gula pasir
- 5 btr kuning telur
- 190 gr PROCHIZ Spready
- 230 gr whipped cream
- Kocok putih telur dan gula sampai mengembang lalu tempatkan dalam wadah terpisah. Kocok kuning telur, lalu masukan kocokan putih telur secara perlahan diikuti dengan tepung terigu.
- Semprotkan pada loyang yang sudah dialasi silicon lalu panggang pada suhu 185oC selama ±10menit.
- Soak the gelatine into water, set aside. Boil water and sugar, then whisk yolk and pour sugar water. Add prochiz spready and mix all. Add whipped cream and gelatine, mix all until blended.
- Prepared the ring mould (heart shape), set the lady finger arround the mould. Put the lady finger at bottom of the mould and pour little bit with coffee syrup. Add tiramisu cream until half of the mould. Repeat the process until the mould is full. Refrigerate before serving and removed take out from the mould. and dusting with chocolate powder on the top of the cake.